The North London Muslim Community Centre (NLMCC) emerged in the early 1980’s in response to the Muslim community’s demand for services that would meet their social and welfare needs.
We evolved from the Young Muslim Cricket club which was established in 1972 for a group of young cricket lovers. In 1980 the cricket club formed into the North London Muslim Community Centre, and began to acquire funds from Hackney Council to deliver after school and weekend youth activities from the basement of St Thomas’s church in Hackney.
In 1984 Hackney Council gave the NLMCC use of no. 68 Cazenove road, and a grant for its full refurbishment and the development of a single storey hall in the garden of the property. This property was annexed with no. 66 Cazenove road in 1998.
In 2010, with funds that we acquired from the Hackney Sure Start Capital Development project, Team Hackney Youth Capital development fund, grants from various trusts and foundations along with our own community fundraising activities, we completed the development of a £1.1 million 2 storey hall that replaced the old single storey hall. The ground floor of the new extension hosts the Ihsan Children’s Centre and Nursery, and the first floor provides a multi-use youth sports and community hall. The extension is also complemented by an external play area for children and young people.
Since our establishment we have delivered various services to meet the emerging and changing needs of the communities that we serve. These include mental health services, elderly meals on wheels, an employment project and a UK online centre as well as our current portfolio of services.
Hence the NLMCC is an organisation that has successfully represented and served the needs of its community since it’s inception. Our deep roots in and knowledge of our local area has helped us to remain relevant and vital to our community, users and partners.
Contracted Services
The North London Muslim Community Centre supports all people of all backgrounds in a way that is culturally appropriate to the needs of the Muslim community. We are the leading Muslim appropriate social and welfare service provider in Hackney.
The NLMCC is a Registered Charity, and a company limited by guarantee.
We deliver the following core contracted services;
Nursery (0-5 years)
Children’s Centre (0-5 years and their carers/parents)
Youth Service (8-19 years)
Advice and Advocacy (18+ years)
Elderly lunch and wellbeing Club (55+ years)
Community Engagement & Development
As a community centre, community engagement and development is at the heart of what we do.
We organise, host and participate in various services and initiatives to encourage positive civic engagement, integration and cohesion.
Examples of some of the things that we do are;
- Host bi-weekly local elected councillor surgeries
- Organise local and national election hustings
- Organise and host community engagement meetings between the community, local authority and statutory departments, the local police and community organisations
- Host inter-community initiatives like the Hackney Muslim-Jewish Forum
- Facilitate consultations between the local authority and the community
- Hold community events and open days
This model of integrated services under one roof, serves the vast needs of the users of our services by;
- Supporting an individuals holistic needs and interests
- Concurrently supporting various individuals from the same family or group of friends
- Expanding an individuals social network through the various services that they engage in
Hence the NLMCC acts like a one-stop-shop for users needs, and a melting pot for individuals, families, friends and communities to come together.
The NLMCC believes that it is vitally important to achieve equality of access and help encourage integration/cohesion between all communities, especially now when relationships between communities are beginning to show strain.
This is of particular importance for the Muslim community, which has increasingly become both an object and victim of suspicion and fear within society.
Our mission is to provide quality, integrated services to users of all backgrounds in a way that is culturally appropriate to the needs of the Muslim community, so that people can;
1. Fulfil their holistic personal, social and welfare needs
2. Achieve better life outcomes and general wellbeing
3. Achieve integration, cohesion and positive representation in society 4. Become positive and successful contributors within society
People of all backgrounds living, working, enjoying and achieving together.