The Ihsan Nursery was launched in September 2014 as part of the NLMCC’s wider strategy to improve educational and health outcomes for local children and their families.
We have a 70 place nursery that runs term-time only for children aged 2-4 years-old.
We offer a morning or afternoon session, with 30 places from 9.00am – 12.00pm and 12:30pm to 3:30pm Monday to Friday. We also offer a limited amount of spaces for children to come in on 2.5 days.
We aim to create a warm and nurturing environment that gives every child the opportunity to thrive in an environment that puts their needs first. We aim to provide a child-centred learning environment that enables every child to reach their full potential at their own pace and in their own way. We will achieve this by successfully engaging with all parents, providing high quality staff and resources, and planning quality learning experiences that nurture growing children and their minds.
The Ihsan Nursery had an Ofsted inspection in November 2017 and we are pleased and proud to have achieved an ‘Outstanding’ rating in all areas. The report can be viewed on the Ofsted website.
“The staff have excellent relationships with parents and other relevant professionals. Any gaps in learning are quickly identified. Children’s needs are met through specifically tailored and highly effective strategies, so progress is ensured. All children, including those who speak English as a second language, make very good and often rapid progress in relation to their starting points.”
“Children are exceptionally socially confident, kind and caring. They learn to share happily and are often to be seen giving each other big smiles and friendly hugs.”
For more information about the nursery or how to enrol your child, you can contact us on 020 8806 1147 (ext. 30) or email us at
If you would like to secure a place for your child at the Ihsan Nursery or just find out more about us, please contact us on the details below.
Our Nursery Manager is: Aseeya Patel
In Person:
Drop-in during our service times at our premises;
North London Muslim Community Centre
66-68 Cazenove Road
Stoke Newington
N16 6AA
By Telephone:
Speak to Aseeya on 020 8806 1147 (Extension 7)
You can email Aseeya on